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Our Leadership

Meet the people who make our residency work. From our program directors to our program administrators, our training wouldn't be the same without them!

Dr. Goldstein is a HPB/transplant surgeon with over 30 years of experience. In addition to being one of our clinical faculty, he spends a great deal of his time advocating for the residents and doing everything he can to make our training better.

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Dr. Mooney is one of our trauma/critical care surgeons, as well as our APD. She is one of our clinical faculty that we work with regularly, and she is a major part of our didactic sessions. She, like Dr. Goldstein, spends a lot of time working to enhance our training and advocating for us.

Dr. Arnold is a general surgeon with a great deal of expertise in robotics. He is one of the major contributors to our robotic surgery education. He also manages our resident clinic, and staffs a lot of our clinic cases.

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Wendy Shelley
Program Administrator

Wendy is our program administrator, but the title doesn't do her justice. Basically, she makes sure the day to day operation of our program works, and she is the person we all go to with issues. She reminds us of deadlines, certification lapses, and meetings, and is our liaison between the residency and GME.  She's also one of our favorite people and a friend to all of us!

Preston Léger
Program Administrator

Corralling this bunch is a big job, so Wendy can't do it all. That's where Preston comes in. He's an indispensable part of our residency, and we're thrilled to have him.

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