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Research Publications: 2019

This is just a sample of the research that has come out of our department. All of the articles listed here had involvement from our residents, either as first author or contributing author.

Artificial Organs

Durable left ventricular assist device implantation in extremely obese heart failure patients

          Lee AY, Tecson KM, Lima B, Shaikh AF, Collier J, Still S, Baxter R, DiMaio JM, Felius J, Carey SA, Gonzalez-Stawinski GV, Nauret R, Wong M, Hall SA, Joseph SM

            PMID: 30357882

Cardiorenal Medicine

Outcomes of Moderate-to-Severe Acute Kidney Injury following Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation

            Harmon DM, Tecson KM, Lima B, Collier JDG, Shaikh AF, Still S, Baxter RD, Lew N, Thakur R, Felius J, Hall SA, Gonzalez-Stawinski GV, Joseph SM

            PMID: 30673661

Clinical Therapeutics

The Association Between Opioid Use and Outcomes in Infants Undergoing Pyloromyotomy

            McLaughlin C, Squillaro AI, Ourshaliman S, Song A, Lakshmanan A, Cucchiaro G, Hall M, Burke RV, Kelley-Quon LI

            PMID: 31409555

Journal of Craniofacial Surgery

Treatment of the Prominent Ear: A Standardized Approach Without Intraoperative Measurements

            MacIsaac ZM, Zammerilla L, Grunwaldt LJ

            PMID: 30376502

Journal of Functional Biomaterials

3D Printing Custom Bioactive and Absorbable Surgical Screws, Pins, and Bone Plates for Localized Drug Delivery

            Tappa K, Jammalamadaka U, Weisman JA, Ballard DH, Wolford DD, Pascual-Garrido C, Wolford LM, Woodard PK, Mills DK

            PMID: 30939719

Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery

Endoluminal Vacuum Therapy: How I Do It. J Gastrointest Surg

            Leeds SG, Mencio M, Ontiveros E, Ward MA

            PMID: 30671790

Journal of Investigative Medicine High Impact Reports

Papillary Fibroelastoma of the Ascending Aorta

            Al-Azizi KM, Hamandi M, Baxter R, Krueger A, Crawford AW, William M, Good C, Mead N

            PMID: 31010309

Journal of Surgical Education

Robotic Curriculum Enhances Minimally Invasive General Surgery Residents' Education

            Mustafa S, Handren E, Farmer D, Ontiveros E, Ogola GO, Leeds SG

            PMID: 30217777


Multidisciplinary Simulation-Based Team Training for Trauma Resuscitation: A Scoping Review

            McLaughlin C, Barry W, Barin E, Kysh L, Auerbach MA, Upperman JS, Burd RS, Jensen AR

            PMID: 31105006

Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery

Commentary: Molecular pathogenesis of aortic stenosis: Will the puzzle pieces ever fit together?

            Shih E, Squiers JJ, Baxter RD, DiMaio JM

            PMID: 31916993


Commentary: Off-pump mitral repair-Augmenting the future

            Baxter RD, Squiers JJ, DiMaio JM

            PMID: 31003739

Journal of Thoracic Disease

Predictors and impact of right heart failure severity following left ventricular assist device implantation

            Baxter RD, Tecson KM, Still S, Collier JDG, Felius J, Joseph SM, Hall SA, Lima B

            PMID: 31183166

Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery

Simulation-based training is associated with lower risk-adjusted mortality in ACS pediatric TQIP centers

            Jensen AR, McLaughlin C, Subacius H, McAuliff K, Nathens AB, Wong C, Meeker D, Burd RS, Ford HR, Upperman JS

            PMID: 31589193


Timing of tracheostomy placement among children with severe traumatic brain injury: A propensity-matched analysis

            McLaughlin C, Darcy D, Park C, Lane CJ, Mack WJ, Bliss DW, Bhalla A, Upperman JS, Nathens AB, Burd RS, Jensen AR

            PMID: 30882764

New England Journal of Medicine

Patient Safety under Flexible and Standard Duty-Hour Rules

            Squiers JJ

            PMID: 31189045

Physical Review

Nonequilibrium abundances for the building blocks of life

            Stopnitzky E, Still S

            PMID: 31212495

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